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The Alzheimer’s Semipostal Stamp is Coming Our Way

The Alzheimer’s Semipostal Stamp is Coming Our Way

October 4, 2017

Yesterday was a proud day for the Alzheimer’s Impact Movement (AIM) and the Alzheimer’s Association. Their wish to have a Semipostal Stamp benefiting the disease was granted! This comes just 1 month after it was officially publicized that the funding for Alzheimer’s research was to significantly increase during the 2018 fiscal year. “These recent increases, combined with the proceeds raised by the sales of the Alzheimer’s Disease Semipostal Stamp is providing those affected by the disease with hope”.

As most of us know, Alzheimer’s is the most expensive disease in the United States, with over 5 million citizens inflicted with the disease. Now, more than ever, is it time to strategize and research to find a cure!

To read the entire press release, click here.

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