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Sleep, Does a Body Good

Sleep, Does a Body Good

February 9, 2018

In today’s fast-paced society, getting the recommended amount of sleep is impossible! Life in 2018 does not seem to ever slow down. Not only does not enough sleep wreak havoc on the body, but new studies show it deteriorates the brain too!

“The University of Illinois conducted a sleep study of 516 adults aged 71-78. The study found that the proteins associated with Alzheimer’s, known as biomarkers, were highest in the participants who suffered from respiratory sleep disorders which led to frequent sleep interruptions.” (Smith,

The Alzheimer’s Association notes that 20% of women and 30% of men suffer from these respiratory sleep disorders, best known as sleep apnea.

To read more about the research study, click here. It is also important to note that there is help for these sleep disorders and small tricks to help your sleeping patterns!

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