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50 Great Ways to Living Longer: An AARP Original

50 Great Ways to Living Longer: An AARP Original

April 15, 2017

A recent article published by AARP, listed 50 Great Ways to Living Longer. As our seniors continue to live longer than previous generations, what better way to extend one’s life span even more?

All the ways to live longer are backed by scientific or governmental research, so don’t take these items lightly.  You may be saying, ‘I knew that’, but others might have you intrigued. Did you know that “genetics [only] accounts for just 25 percent of a person’s longevity”?

We’ve listed the top 20, so to read the full article, make sure to head to

  1. Consider Vitamin D.
  2. Cut Back on Pain Pills
  3. Please Go To Bed
  4. But Don’t Always Go Right to Sleep
  5. Get (Or Stay) Hitched
  6. Ripeness Matters
  7. Say Yes To That Extra Cup (COFFEE!)
  8. Frozen Is Fine
  9. Go Green
  10. Don’t Sweeten With Sugar
  11. Eat Whole Grains
  12. Spice It Up
  13. Drink Whole Milk
  14. Just Add Water
  15. Be Food Safe
  16. Eat Less
  17. End The Day’s Eating By 9PM
  18. Eat Your Veggies
  19. Eat Like The Greeks
  20. Or Live Like the Amish

While the list goes on with 30 more tips, it is important to remember that staying active, eating healthy, and keeping up on your day-t0-day routine is crucial. Eating your veggies doesn’t mean you need to give up that mint chocolate chip ice cream, or that Hershey’s bar. It is ALL about moderation. Live life to the fullest and take a walk outside! Vitamin D does a body good, and so does Whole Milk.

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